The Leisure Institute
Promoting the benefits of Leisure
The Leisure Institute
Promoting the benefits of Leisure
Promoting the benefits of Leisure
Promoting the benefits of Leisure
Finding the Balance Between Work & Leisure
The purpose of the Leisure Institute is to help people, companies and the govenment find the right balance between work and leisure. Finding that balance is critical in so many ways.
Helping spread the word to employers and government agencies about the benefits of more leisure time -
* Improved physical and mental health, reduced health costs, fewer heart attacks, less stress
* Greater employee job satisfaction, morale, productivity and longevity
* Enhanced relationships with spouse, partner, family and friends; improved sex life
* More community involvement, reduced traffic, improved environment
According to the World Tourism Organization, the average worker in Japan gets five weeks of annual paid vacation, the average German gets seven weeks, the average French worker seven and a half weeks and the average Italian eight and a half weeks, while the average American gets just 12.4 days, or less than 2 weeks. In addition, the United States is the only industrialized nation that refuses to mandate vacation time for workers in the private sector.
- San Francisco Chronicle.
To make matters worse, an estimated 51 million Americans — more than one-third of the workforce — will not use all their vacation days, according to a survey by In what the company calls "vacation deprivation," each worker will pass up an average of three days off.
- CBS News
Americans are less happy today than they were 30 years ago thanks to longer working hours and a deterioration in the quality of their relationships with friends and neighbors, according to a recent study.
Americans are working more, sleeping less and having sex less often than they did just five years ago, a shift that is contributing to unhealthier lifestyles.
Studies show that an annual vacation can cut the risk of heart attack in men by 32% and in women by 50%
Remember - Work Less. Play More!
Bill Blum, President & Founder, Leisure Institute